Are graphic novels "real" books?
Graphic novels sometimes get a bad rap. Many parents and teachers have discouraged their young readers to avoid graphic novels in order to choose longer novels AKA "real" books. I believe that there is a middle-school audience of readers out there who are just waiting to be introduced to the graphic book craze. How are graphic novels good for kids? Even advises parents to give these comic-style books a chance . My 7th graders clamor to be the first (or the next) one to check out graphic novels. Here are some of their favorites: New Kid by Jerry Craft This book shares the story of a boy--Jordan-- who leaves his urban neighborhood to attend a "prestigious" private school--but he is one of the only students of color. He loves to draw and tells his own story through graphics and sketches. Many students can identify with different aspects of this story--and others could possibly develop more empathy as they put themselves in his sh...